✅ During the earthworks construction period, manage your construction site progress by comparing the ground height and the design level to calculate the amount of cut/fill volume of the land.
In addition, the cadastral map function allows you to check parcel information within the platform and manage compensation easily. By utilizing these functions, construction efficiency can be improved during the earthworks period, and complaints and disputes over land can be prevented.
Design Level
Design Level Screen
- In the case of the earthworks period, upload the TIF file of the planned ground to check the altitude in the same way as the numerical elevation model.
- In addition, the toggle [compared to the ground level] allows you to compare the ground height and the planned height for that date to calculate the required amount of cut/fill soil according to the planned height.
Cadastral Map*
*This function is currently only available for the sites located in Korea.
Cadastral Map - Land compensation
- You can view the cadastral information provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport through the cadastral map check box at the top right of the map.
If you click on the partitioned space on the map, you can check the progress of land compensation during construction along with the official land price.
⚠️ [Introduction to Land Compensation Function]
Land compensation must be entered directly by the project representative.
Selectable forms are available (unchecked = undefined / checked = Compensation Pending / Required / Completed).
Cadastral map - choose whether land is compensated or not
- If you have checked the land compensation, you can choose only the progress you want to see.
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